Here are the links for the grade school athletic awards program. Topic: Bluford Grade School Athletic Awards Program Time: May 21, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting YouTube link:
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
We’re so grateful to have received a $10,000 grant from @Walmartorg and @NoKidHungry to help make sure kids and families get the food they need during this crisis and beyond.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
As we close the school year, we want to recognize our final students of the month for May! Congratulations for all of your hard work and persistence through remote learning!
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
We are proud to announce the April students of the month. These kiddos have work hard in despite the remote learning circumstances!
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
More from 5/16/2020
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
It was a beautiful day to celebrate and honor the BGS 8th grade class. Jessica Baird spearheaded this event along with other parents. Congratulations BGS Class off 2020!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
We will be hosting athletic awards programs Thursday, May 21. We will share a Zoom link and it will be streamed on YouTube. High school will begin at 5:00 and the grade school will begin at 7:00. We will share the viewing links this week.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Reminder: We will be at the school from 10:30-11:30 to pass desk and locker belongings. Drive up to the front door and we will bring it out to you.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Our 8th grade class was scheduled to have their graduation ceremony yesterday, May 14. While we were unable to host it as scheduled, we would like to honor and celebrate them at this time with a graduation video. As soon as graduation plans are finalized, we will get that information made public. Congratulations grads! Click the following link to view the video:
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
We will be at the school tomorrow morning from 10:30 - 11:30 for anyone who wants to pick up desk and locker items that are still at the school. Drive up to the front door and we will have your student's belongings ready to bring out.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Our kiddos love Mystery Doug. Check out the info below for a live event through Mystery Science next week. Mystery Doug invites you to another LIVE SCIENCE SHOW. Doug is excited to answer kids’ questions with the help of astronaut Jessica Meir, who filmed videos for us while she was in space! (Seriously!) Make this part of your lesson plans. Forward this email to your families to invite them. Thursday, May 21 12:00 pm Central
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Go to Twitter and vote for the Webber High School gym! Search @hslogoscom and find Webber vs. Freeport.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
I wanted to pass along a quick update with our meal program. We are scheduled to wrap up the "school year" program with our last delivery on Wednesday, May 20. This day will include six days of meals (20, 21, 22, 25, 26, & 27). We had intended to begin our summer program with a pick up on Mondays. However, due to available food deliveries, the first day for summer meal pick up will be Thursday, May 28. From there moving forward, we will receive our food deliveries on Wednesdays, so meal pick up will have to occur on Wednesday each week beginning at 11:00 on June 3. If this causes an issue for you, please let us know. Also, if you would like to still sign up, please call the school or complete this form.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
We are honored to present the March BGS students of the month! These kids have have gone above and beyond given the current circumstances. Nice work!
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Attention K-11 students: Friday, May 15 is your last scheduled remote learning day. All course work should be completed and turned in by this Friday to receive credit and be promoted.. Any students receiving an incomplete for a given course or subject can expect follow-up phone calls or visits.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
All of the staff enjoyed participating in the bus route parades! The support we received was overwhelming! We love our students and families! Please enjoy this video!
almost 5 years ago, Karen Putt
A special THANK YOU to the BGS Booster Club for providing goodies to the staff for Teacher Appreciation week! Who is the best? You are the BEST!
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
BUSD students and families, please help us celebrate our teachers and staff next week by showering them with love and support!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
BUSD students and families, please help us celebrate our teachers and staff next week by showering them with love and support!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
We received the following information from ISBE: I am passing this along for any families who may want to take advantage. With our CEP program (free breakfast/lunch) all families who live in the Bluford school district would be eligible for this. Pandemic EBT Application Available The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) launched the Pandemic EBT application for families on May 1 at P-EBT is a new special benefit that can help families buy food for their school age children who would normally receive National School Lunch Program (NSLP) free or reduced-priced meals when schools are in session. All families with school age children who attend schools approved for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) are eligible for the benefits as they receive NSLP meals at no charge. Families that currently receive SNAP benefits do not need to apply for P-EBT benefits. These additional P-EBT benefits will be loaded into Illinois LINK EBT accounts along with regular SNAP benefits. Families who do not currently receive SNAP benefits but do have children who receive NSLP free or reduced-priced meals will need to apply directly with IDHS. The fastest way for families to receive benefits is to complete the application for P-EBT available online (Click “Apply for Benefits” at the link.) A paper application in English and Spanish is also available and can be submitted by email to IDHS created a flyer to help families with the application process. We are asking NSLP sponsors to share this flyer with their families.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon