The open field for junior high softball scheduled for tonight has been canceled. The next one is scheduled for Thursday from 6:00 - 7:30.
over 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
2019-2020 BGS yearbooks are in. If you ordered a yearbook, you may come pick it up at the grade school office this week from 8-3. There are several that can go out with lunch pickup Wednesday. Those unable to be picked up this week will be held until the start of school unless other arrangements are made.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Henson
Bluford Community: Please find a letter with information pertaining to the opening of school and a link to a survey to gather your opinions below.
over 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
Junior high baseball will have an open field on Monday, July 20, from 5:00 - 7:00. Any boy entering fifth through eighth grade is welcome to attend. Since this activity is outside, masks are not required as long as everyone stays distanced.
over 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
Junior high softball will have an open field on Monday, July 13, from 6:00 - 7:00. Any girl entering fifth through eighth grade is welcome to attend. Since this activity is outside, masks are not required as long as everyone stays distanced.
over 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
The start of cross country conditioning has been changed from Wednesday morning to Thursday morning.
over 4 years ago, Michelle Marlow
Cross Country conditioning will start on Wednesday, July 1st at 7:30 am. Interested students going into 5th through 8th grades need to meet at the grade school entrance. Remember to bring your own water/sports drink.
over 4 years ago, Michelle Marlow
BUSD has the following job opportunities. The elementary positions are available as a result of COVID restrictions as the district is attempting to decrease class sizes in an attempt to keep everyone as safe as possible.
over 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
Don’t forget today is Wednesday, our food distribution day! We are here ready to load you up.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Henson
Graduation always provides closure for the school year. This has been a year in which we all want to out behind us. Congratulations to all of the 2020 graduates!
over 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
Graduation Day has arrived! It will be great to see our Class of 2020 graduates with their diplomas.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
School supply lists were emailed through Teacherease, but are also available here. Online Registration will be open for completion at the end of July. An announcement will be sent out when online registration is ready for you to complete. Please make sure to complete online registration and update any incorrect information. Happy Summer!!
almost 5 years ago, Julie Lusby
We are excited to have graduation plans coming together so that we can celebrate our Class of 2020 graduates!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
BUSD is proud to announce that during the school closure, staff served 21,663 meals to children throughout the district. This means we averaged almost 471 meals a day! Thank you to food service staff, transportation staff, and other staff who helped coordinate deliveries each week. Summer meals continue today with pick up from 11:00 - 12:00.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Baylee was awarded the Modern Woodmen American History Award
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
If you weren't able to yesterday make sure to swing by today between 9:00 and 10:00 to pick yours up!
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
If you weren't able to yesterday make sure to swing by today to pick up your produce box!
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
This message is for anyone receiving summer meals. We received word this morning that our delivery truck will not arrive until around 11:00 today. Staff will be packing bags as quickly as possible, but pickup will be slower than anticipated. Arrival after 11:30 will help. Please pull up to the front of the school. Also, unfortunately we learned yesterday that the Cusumano produce and dairy boxes will not be delivered until tomorrow. We will have pick up times from 10:00-11:00 on Friday and 9:00-10:00 on Saturday.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
2020 graduates and families....graduation plans are in the works!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Here is the link for the high school athletic awards program. Topic: Webber High School Athletic Awards Program Time: May 21, 2020 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting YouTube link:
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon