We received the following information from ISBE: I am passing this along for any families who may want to take advantage. With our CEP program (free breakfast/lunch) all families who live in the Bluford school district would be eligible for this. Pandemic EBT Application Available The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) launched the Pandemic EBT application for families on May 1 at https://abe.illinois.gov/abe/access/. P-EBT is a new special benefit that can help families buy food for their school age children who would normally receive National School Lunch Program (NSLP) free or reduced-priced meals when schools are in session. All families with school age children who attend schools approved for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) are eligible for the benefits as they receive NSLP meals at no charge. Families that currently receive SNAP benefits do not need to apply for P-EBT benefits. These additional P-EBT benefits will be loaded into Illinois LINK EBT accounts along with regular SNAP benefits. Families who do not currently receive SNAP benefits but do have children who receive NSLP free or reduced-priced meals will need to apply directly with IDHS. The fastest way for families to receive benefits is to complete the application for P-EBT available online (Click “Apply for Benefits” at the link.) A paper application in English and Spanish is also available and can be submitted by email to DHS.FCS.PEBT@illinois.gov. IDHS created a flyer to help families with the application process. We are asking NSLP sponsors to share this flyer with their families.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
One of our high school art students has made the front entrance a little more colorful!
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
We released information yesterday about the end of the school year. The last remote learning day for seniors is May 8. The last remote learning day for all other students is May 15. More information can be found at: https://www.blufordschools.org/article/238064?org=bluford-unit-school-district-318
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
One of the high school science courses had an assignment to make a Rube Goldberg. Check out the finished product! https://youtu.be/8mJjCOVDb14
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Bluford USD is a proud supporter of our 2020 graduates!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
8th grade students & parents: 8th grade shirt orders are now being taken. Mrs. Putt created a form to take orders and students have access to it through their Google Classroom account. There are also forms available in the grade school office. Contact Mrs. Putt with questions.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
The Teacher Parade for Roy's White bus route, scheduled for today, is postponed until next Thursday, April 30. The weather forecast looks better for next week than today.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Happy Administrative Professionals Day to these three fabulous ladies! We would be in a world of hurt if we didn't have them. They are the best! Thank you for your dedication to our school.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
For many of us with younger children at home the thought of "teaching" reading is scary. The link below provides a short framework to help with the disruption we are experiencing. One thing to remember is as your child is reading to you don't let them guess words. Have them implement the phonic strategies their teachers have taught them. They can go back and sound it out. If they can't, simply say the correct word for them. https://righttoreadproject.com/2020/04/07/the-abcs-of-teaching-reading-at-home/
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Since I was unable to recognize these outstanding BGS students at the Jefferson County Principal's Collegial Network dinner in March, I want to take a moment to acknowledge their strong academic and moral character. Congratulations on your achievements!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
The state is compiling a map of "drive up wifi spots." Notice any gaps? Hopefully this drives investment in rural infrastructure. It's 2020, why can't everyone have internet?
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Unfortunately today we learned that the school closure has been extended until the end of the school year. For more information check out the link below. https://youtu.be/JS808718KhQ
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
What a perfect ending to an unusual week! Today's challenge offered to my ELA kids, share a picture of you reading outside! I did a a little happy dance with each one!
almost 5 years ago, Karen Putt
Learning continues at BUSD. Here are a couple pieces of student work dropped off today!
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
I believe there were 16 vehicles leaving out for the parade!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Here is a link to the folder with learning resources that teachers have put together. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-dUwcVMCKAyXulcJC5a7FUr9VTooUCiA Also, attached is information about the shift in student expectations.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Hey everybody! BUSD teachers are going to be out on parade in the coming weeks. Step outside to wave and say HI because we are all missing you!
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Here is the district update on Monday, March 30. https://youtu.be/GuScCV_YNZI
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Long distance learning is not for me. I’m missing my 4th Grade Friends!
almost 5 years ago, Teri Helm
Long distance learning is not for me. I’m missing my sweet 4th grade Friends!
We came across this free resource from Audible. Your students can listen to books and you don't have to set up an account! https://stories.audible.com/start-listen?ref=adbl_ent_anon_pdp_hm_hb
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon