More reading buddies

More of seventh grade reading buddies.

My seventh grade students read Halloween books to first grade this week. The little ones were excited!

Thanks to our amazing BGS Boosters for hosting the first book fair of the year! Their generosity and hard work does not go unnoticed. They gave all of the teachers money to spend at the event. My kids have already enjoyed the new scary books I scored for Halloween!

Look at that set up! The first book fair of the year is underway. Thanks to the BGS Booster club for coordinating the event.

Congratulations to our August students of the month!

Boys Jr High basketball open gyms
this week Tuesday, Thursday and Friday till 5 pm. Grade school gym. Bring outside running shoes too.

Girls 4-8th grade basketball conditioning/open gym is tomorrow, Tuesday, after school until 5pm. Tryouts will be on Thursday and Friday after school until 5pm. Wear practice clothes (shorts, tshirt, and tennis shoes) no jean material. Bring a water bottle and mask. Must have a sports physical on file at the school.

The ELA classes started the year off with a team building activity. Each class designed their very own Coat of Arms. They choose a name and a class motto, and put together a video to explain their choices!

It's a good Friday when you have homemade cake for lunch and new balls on the playground!

The 6th-8th graders had a ticket cash in day!

Here is the first BUSD News broadcast of the year.

The Jr High girls’ Regional softball game this evening is still on. 🥎Please note, there has been a change in location. The game will now be played at Woodlawn. The bus is still leaving at 4:30.

The monthly Bluford Ruritan breakfast is this Saturday. Join us to support an organization that does so much to help our schools.

8th grade recognition for junior high softball and baseball.

Bluford School is looking for a CNA to work with a student who has medical needs. See the attachment to apply!

The new Smartboards finally arrived for our kindergarten classrooms!

The after school program that is operated by the YMCA is looking for someone to staff the program. The hours are 3:00 - 5:30 on school days and the rate of pay is $15. If interested, please contact Nicole Henson or Shane Gordon at 618-732-8242.

We have an immediate and desperate need for substitute kitchen staff. If you are interested and willing to help out, please email sgordon@blufordschools.org.

Bluford School is still in need of two (2) paraprofessionals. If interested, please see the attached posting.