We are three weeks into the school year and issues around COVID have been very minimal. We have had a total of six positive cases, all from contact outside of the school. The most important part of this though is that we have had ZERO close contact exclusions as a result of that because of the mitigation measures in place. Also, we have our testing in place which has helped keep kids in school as well. Make it a great holiday weekend!

We had a great afternoon with our gs cross country meet! Nathaniel Marlow dominated the boys varsity race placing first with the boys team placing second and the girls team winning the meet!

Reminder: School dismisses at 11:30 tomorrow (Friday, September 3) and there is no school on Monday, September 6, in observance of Labor Day. Make it a great weekend!

There are a lot of questions around the Pandemic EBT cards that people have been receiving. First, these are legitimate and because we have the Community Eligibility Provision, all our students should be receiving one at some point. They appear to be arriving for families randomly. Keep in mind that this is a federal program being administered by the state and it is overwhelmed by the program. The link below takes you to an FAQ with further information. There is an 800 number to call if you have individual questions about the program. https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=137078

Join us for breakfast tomorrow! Come out and support an organization that does so much to help our schools.

Enjoyed watching this 8th grade bunch perform everyday tasks to determine if their thumbs were really necessary.

BGS hosts an after school program that is operated by the YMCA. We are looking for someone to staff the program. The hours are 3:00 - 5:30 on school days and the rate of pay is $15. If interested, please contact Nicole Henson or Shane Gordon at 618-732-8242.

Here is a look at what is on the schedule this week.
Extracurricular Activities:
Monday 8/23: HSBB @ home vs Brownstown
Tuesday 8/24: HSCC @ Fairfield 4 pm
JHSB & JHBB @ Waltonville 4:30 pm
HSVB @ Christ Our Rock 6:15 pm
Wednesday 8/25: JHBB @ home vs Raccoon 4:30 pm
JHSB @ Raccoon 4:30 pm
Thursday 8/26: JHSB & JHBB @ Summersville (Strothman Park) 4:30 pm
HSCC @ Marion 4:30 pm
HSVB @ home vs North Clay 6:15 pm
Friday 8/27: JHSB & JHBB @ home vs OBR 4:30 pm
Saturday 8/28: JHCC @ Field 9 am

The churches in Bluford are hosting a back to school bash on Saturday, August 21, from 4:00 - 6:00 at the First Baptist Church in Bluford. There will be a free concert by Judah First, bounce houses, and free hot dogs, water and snow cones. Everyone is welcome!

If you are intending to have your child participate in the YMCA after school program, we need to have a completed application form. As of now only one has been submitted. School starts Monday, so if you intend to participate, please complete a registration form by the end of this week. Application forms have been emailed to K-5 parents and can be received in the office.

For anyone planning to attend the special board meeting tonight, the meeting will occur in the high school gym. Also, our parking lot is currently being seal coated. Parking is available on the west side of the building. You can enter on the west side and walk down the hall to the hs gym. Additionally, parking is available across the street at the Ruritan Club. If you park there, you can enter through the main entrance of the high school.

The district has an immediate need for a 1:1 paraprofessional placed with a student at MVTHS.

Thank you to Banterra Bank for donating school supplies this week!

If your student needs a sports physical, mark your calendars. When school begins on August 16, we will begin sign ups.

Here is a link to our final broadcast of 2020-21. Due to technical difficulties, it is a little late. Thanks to Mr. Gowler, BUSD News will be renewed for the next season!

Information about the YMCA after school program can be found at this link. A paper copy is also available in the grade school office.

It is hard to believe that in just three short weeks, we will return for another school year. Attached you will find information about some changes with COVID protocols for the start of the 2021-2022 school year. The CDC released information on July 9, and the IL Department of Public Health fully adopted those guidelines. The focus is on layered mitigations for student and staff safety with local data and information being used to remove or add layers of mitigation. The attached document details the mitigations which will be in place to begin the school year. As the year progresses, we will be continually reviewing local data to ensure that all students and staff can remain safe throughout the school year. By all means, if you have questions about any aspects of this feel free to call 732-8242 or email sgordon@blufordschools.org.
Let's make it a great one,

Student attendance begins one month from today!!! Attached are the supply lists for K-8. High school students typically just need notebooks, pens/pencils, and folders.

The grade school boys restroom renovation is a quite the upgrade.

Our summer paving project is nearing completion!