JH Bowlers need to be at Nu Bowl Lanes by 4 00 tomorrow for 8th grade banner pics and possibly team pic. We bowl at 4 30 vs Rome.
about 2 years ago, Bob Hamerski
See the attached job posting for employment opportunities at BUSD.
about 2 years ago, Shane Gordon
The HS Varsity games scheduled for this evening against Elverado have been cancelled. A reschedule date has not been set at this time.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Henson
No HS Girls Bowling tonight. Carbondale is snowed in.
about 2 years ago, Bob Hamerski
Schedule changes due to the school closure: Girls HS basketball at Johnston City rescheduled for Wednesday Feb 1 - Boys HS basketball will have open gym at 3:15 today - JH bowling is cancelled - JH volleyball is cancelled
about 2 years ago, Nicole Henson
7th & 8th Grade Brain Games Participants
about 2 years ago, Ashley Snow
Brain Games
Brain Games
Brain Games
Brain Games
It was another great day on the hardwood. Bluford/Webber teams went 9-0 on the day! 2nd took two against Summersville. 3-4 boys and girls beat Bethel. The HS JV/ V boys and girls all took down Cobden.
about 2 years ago, Shane Gordon
Webber HOF items: We have inducted the class of 2022, our third one. Inductees include Ami Carman, Alicia Ullery, Jerry Shields, Gary Shields, the 2007-08 Girls Basketball Team 25-2 (coahed by Travis Helm), and the 1995-96 Boys Basketball Team 25-3 (coached by Rod Stover). The 2022 class will be recognized between the JV and Varsity boys basketball games Feb. 3, with the ceremony Feb. 4, 10:00am. Both events are open to the public and encouraged. There will be a girls BB game at 2 :00 Feb 4, so come to our ceremony and stay for the game. We'll leave the light on for ya.
about 2 years ago, Bob Hamerski
With our JH Boys BB win last night in the Regional Championship, they have earned thr right to play Sat. Feb. 4, 3:45 at RLC vs Altamont Lutheran in State Sweet 16. Congratulations boys and best of luck with Altamont. Bluford/Farrington Nation is with you!
about 2 years ago, Bob Hamerski
Bluford-Farrington Trojans are 2023 Regional Champions!
about 2 years ago, Nicole Henson
Regional Championship game is underway at Spring Garden.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Henson
Our JH Boys BB team was a winner last night in semifinal Regional action. That puts them in tonights Regional Championship game 6:00 at Spring Garden. A trip to the State tournament is at stake. Go JR. Trojans!
about 2 years ago, Bob Hamerski
Just for clarification, the brief JH Bowling meting after school today is for the boys. The girls team already had their meeting.
about 2 years ago, Bob Hamerski
High school students attended Brain Games today and took home first and fourth place! Both teams advance to the next round! Great job!!
about 2 years ago, Mary Minor
Brain Games!
First Place team!
Fourth Place team !
Brain games!
The Ruritan breakfast is back! Join them this Saturday from 7:00-9:00.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Henson
Can you build me a snowman? Show us photos of your snowmen today!
about 2 years ago, Shane Gordon
Cancelled events today
about 2 years ago, Nicole Henson
The JH boys regional game at Spring Garden tomorrow 1/25 has been postponed to Thursday 1/26 at 7:15.
about 2 years ago, Nicole Henson
We waited as long as we could, but the forecast hasn't changed. Wednesday, January 25, there will be no school for Bluford Schools.
about 2 years ago, Shane Gordon
Today it was 5th and 6th grades turn to compete at Brain Games.
about 2 years ago, Ashley Snow
Brain Games
Brain Games
Brain Games
Brain Games