JH Bowlers need to be at Nu Bowl Lanes by 4 00 tomorrow for 8th grade banner pics and possibly team pic. We bowl at 4 30 vs Rome.
See the attached job posting for employment opportunities at BUSD.
The HS Varsity games scheduled for this evening against Elverado have been cancelled. A reschedule date has not been set at this time.
No HS Girls Bowling tonight. Carbondale is snowed in.
Schedule changes due to the school closure: Girls HS basketball at Johnston City rescheduled for Wednesday Feb 1 - Boys HS basketball will have open gym at 3:15 today - JH bowling is cancelled - JH volleyball is cancelled
7th & 8th Grade Brain Games Participants
It was another great day on the hardwood. Bluford/Webber teams went 9-0 on the day! 2nd took two against Summersville. 3-4 boys and girls beat Bethel. The HS JV/ V boys and girls all took down Cobden.
Webber HOF items:
We have inducted the class of 2022, our third one. Inductees include Ami Carman, Alicia Ullery, Jerry Shields, Gary Shields, the 2007-08 Girls Basketball Team 25-2 (coahed by Travis Helm), and the 1995-96 Boys Basketball Team 25-3 (coached by Rod Stover). The 2022 class will be recognized between the JV and Varsity boys basketball games Feb. 3, with the ceremony Feb. 4, 10:00am. Both events are open to the public and encouraged. There will be a girls BB game at 2 :00 Feb 4, so come to our ceremony and stay for the game. We'll leave the light on for ya.
With our JH Boys BB win last night in the Regional Championship, they have earned thr right to play Sat. Feb. 4, 3:45 at RLC vs Altamont Lutheran in State Sweet 16.
Congratulations boys and best of luck with Altamont. Bluford/Farrington Nation is with you!
Bluford-Farrington Trojans are 2023 Regional Champions!
Regional Championship game is underway at Spring Garden.
Our JH Boys BB team was a winner last night in semifinal Regional action. That puts them in tonights Regional Championship game 6:00 at Spring Garden. A trip to the State tournament is at stake. Go JR. Trojans!
Just for clarification, the brief JH Bowling meting after school today is for the boys. The girls team already had their meeting.
High school students attended Brain Games today and took home first and fourth place! Both teams advance to the next round! Great job!!
The Ruritan breakfast is back! Join them this Saturday from 7:00-9:00.
Can you build me a snowman? Show us photos of your snowmen today!
Cancelled events today
The JH boys regional game at Spring Garden tomorrow 1/25 has been postponed to Thursday 1/26 at 7:15.
We waited as long as we could, but the forecast hasn't changed. Wednesday, January 25, there will be no school for Bluford Schools.
Today it was 5th and 6th grades turn to compete at Brain Games.