Sports Fans: Here is how to find tonight's broadcasts.
Junior High Volleyball:
High School Girls Basketball:
High School Boys Basketball:
The Junior High boys basketball game will be streamed through the NFHS Network tonight.
We had a food box distribution today and had a few left over. They are in front of the grade school. Feel free to take one if you would like!
We have something new and exciting to offer! Because we have such limited in person attendance, we are offering the opportunity to "attend" games. Visit the link to purchase a cut out of yourself to be placed in the gym during contests. You will get to keep the cut out after the season. Since the season is upon us, the order deadline is February 9.
What a great night! I was awesome to see kids on the court competing again.
Measuring porosity...Earth Science
Chemistry models
Today's athletic schedule:
High School Girls: Home vs. South Central @ 6:15 (limited home fans- streamed on NFHS Network)
High School Boys: At South Central @ 6:30 (no Webber fans- streamed at
Junior High Boys Basketball: Home vs. Sandoval @ 6:00 (no fans- streamed at
Junior High Volleyball: @ Ewing @ 6:00 (no fans- streamed at )
High school boys basketball:
Here is the link for tonight's game at South Central!
Sports fans: We will be streaming all of our home contests. Games played in the high school gym will be through the NFHS Network. Games played in the junior high gym will be streamed live on YouTube. We can allow a limited number (24) of home fans at games played in the high school. Passes are free and will be distributed by coaches. Attached is a list of junior high games that will be played in the high school gym. Those games are highlighted.
Below is the information to view games played in the high school gym.
Anatomy..studying brain structures and function
Sports Update: Please refer to the link below for information regarding sports attendance. Our goals are to provide kids an opportunity and to allow parents to be present as much as possible. If you have individual questions, please contact us to discuss.
Tuesday was our 101st day of school. How else would first grade celebrate? A couple of Cruellas and their pups!
In the News ....
If you have a student who will be eligible for kindergarten next school year who is NOT currently in the Bluford Pre-K program, please call the grade school office at 732-8242 to be added to the screening list. With COVID, our Pre-K numbers are lower than normal, so we are hoping that there are some more kindergarten students out there. Students will need to turn 5 before September 1, to be KG. eligible.
Here is a preview of the timelines for high school sports. We hope to share our complete sports plan by the end of the week.
With some recent shifts in the weather forecast, school will be dismissing at 1:00. All PM activities will be cancelled.
Part of our multisensory approach to reading instruction includes using sand to draw letters while students verbalize the sounds. Here, second grade students are progressing through the day's sequence.
Practice schedules Jan 25-29
JH VB 3-5 JH Gym
JH Boys BB 3-5 GS Gym
HS Girls BB 3-5 M,W,F
HS Boys BB 5-7 M,W,F;3-5 TU, THUR
HS Volleyball 5-7 Tu, Thur, HS Gym
5-7 M, W, F JH Gym
With our new sports seasons and guidlines we have yet to determine what to do as far as spectators are concerned. That will be decided soon, when we can get all the great minds together. Whatever is decided that is what all will have to live with.