Earth Science Class exploring Crater

High School Cross Country @ West Frankfort

Madalyn Lusby earned 4th place in Digital Art at National Beta Club Convention this summer.

3 Beta Club members and 2 sponsors attended National Beta Club Convention this past June in Savannah, GA.

Adult Living class designed t-shirts about themselves.

Ms Drenner’s senior English class is studying the book “Night” by Elie Wiesel. They have focused in symbolism, character classification and motives, and setting.

Career Orientation students completed and presented their Family Career Trees in class.

History A students practice folding flag.

We are needing these caps collected also!! These caps could mean $10,000 for our school!!

Save your caps and lids!!

Students in Mrs. Birkner's science classes were exposed to the solar system through virtual reality!

Chemistry students exploring chromotography!

Volleyball taking on Mt. Vernon!