Happy Social Workers Week to our own Ms. Christina ! She supports our students by offering guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear whenever needed. Her kindness, patience, and commitment make a difference in the lives of so many of our students. Thank you, Ms. Christina, for everything you do to help our students and families. We appreciate you today and every day!
5 days ago, Amanda Strohschein
Social worker
The 5Essentials Parent Survey is now available! We need to reach 50% participation (or more) for each of our schools. This data is helpful to improve our schools! Please visit http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/ to take the parent survey. If you have a student in both buildings, you can take it for both, just select the correct school each time.
11 days ago, Ryan Robinson
Student will be taking the 5-Essentials Survey next week. Please see the letter of information regarding this survey. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q6Yzwc1pZmK8iGGDH7ss1O0fBoniOLnTWsFLp2X_-EQ/edit?usp=sharing
15 days ago, Ryan Robinson
Congratulations to Kylee Breeze! Webber High School is proud to announce that Kylee Breeze has been named an Illinois State Scholar by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission! This prestigious honor is awarded to graduating seniors who demonstrate superior academic potential, placing them among the top 10% of students in the entire state of Illinois! Kylee’s dedication to academics is truly remarkable. Not only is she excelling at Webber, but she has also been taking courses at Rend Lake College. When she graduates from Webber this spring, she will also be graduating with her associate degree from Rend Lake College! We are incredibly proud of Kylee for this outstanding achievement and can’t wait to see what her future holds. Please join us in congratulating her on this well-deserved recognition!
16 days ago, Ryan Robinson
Senior Parents! It's time to order a baby as for your senior to put in the yearbook! Click the link below to access the form. If you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wilson at stwilson@blufordschools.org https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BH5JDi6yD1hS6dN-iOtog428EC8e2iBERsO8Ll872lQ/edit?usp=sharing
18 days ago, Stephanie Wilson
Just a couple of reminders: Friday, February 14- 11:30 dismissal Monday , February 17- No School for President's Day
23 days ago, Amanda Strohschein
Our wonderful kitchen staff received some help preparing todays lunch . Students who received their food handlers certification helped prepare pizza and rolls. Grayson and Kylan can cook on the court and in the kitchen!!!
24 days ago, Stephanie Wilson
Information to order High School Yearbooks. All sales are on online.
about 1 month ago, Stephanie Wilson
Bluford FFA is teaming up with Jefferson County Farm Bureau for Ag on the Court Night! Come support your Bluford FFA and Webber Trojans on February 5th! 🏀🌽
about 1 month ago, Madison Bock
Last night was Senior Night for Girls Bowling! Congratulations to Stacie Bullard on an outstanding high school career. We wish her the best as she continues bowling at the collegiate level!
about 1 month ago, Ryan Robinson
Large Animal Care has been learning about different swine breeds, and today they used icing to replicate the breeds! 🐖 Thank you to the Foods class for making the cookies and icing!
about 1 month ago, Madison Bock
about 2 months ago, Ryan Robinson
Just a reminder, a representative from Rend Lake College and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission will be here tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22 from 5:00pm to 6:30pm to assist in filing out the Free Application for Federal Student Aide (FAFSA). Senior students and their parents are encouraged to attend. Please bring information to help complete the FAFSA. If you have any questions please call Mr. Herzing at 618-732-6121 ext. 234.
about 2 months ago, Ryan Robinson
Webber High School hosted an inspiring assembly today featuring renowned motivational speaker Damon West. Known for his compelling story of transformation—from a promising college quarterback to serving time in prison and ultimately turning his life around—Damon shared his "Coffee Bean" philosophy, emphasizing resilience, personal responsibility, and the power of positivity. His message resonated deeply with students and staff alike. The event brought together high school and junior high students from Webber/Bluford and Wayne City. While our schools are rivals on the court and field, it was great to see students from both communities come together to share in this powerful experience. The assembly reminded everyone that, despite competition, the human element unites us all. After the assembly, Damon gave an additional motivational talk to teachers and staff from both districts, offering practical tools and encouragement for making a positive impact in their schools and beyond. In addition to his speaking engagements, Damon is also the author of The Change Agent and The Coffee Bean, which offer deeper insights into his journey and transformative philosophy. The event was a memorable experience for everyone in attendance, showcasing the power of community and leaving students and staff with the encouragement to be the change they wish to see in the world.
about 2 months ago, Ryan Robinson
This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, January 17, students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Additionally, there will be no school on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
about 2 months ago, Ryan Robinson
Report cards for the first semester were mailed out yesterday! Be sure to check your mailbox in the coming days. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the school office.
about 2 months ago, Ryan Robinson
A representative from Rend Lake College and the Illinois Student Assistance Commission will be here on Wednesday, January 22 from 5:00pm to 6:30pm to assist in filing out the Free Application for Federal Student Aide (FAFSA). Senior students and their parents are encouraged to attend.
about 2 months ago, Ryan Robinson
For any students driving down to Rend Lake today: Juniors - Psychology 2101 meets from 12:00-12:50pm in the academic building room 214. Philosophy 2104 meets from 1:00-1:50 in the vocational building room 117. Seniors - English 1102 meets from 12:00-12:50 in academic room 206 and Communications 1101 meets from 1:00-1:50pm in academic room 209. Ag Automation students meet in the Ag Building from 12:00-1:50pm.
about 2 months ago, Ryan Robinson
Just a reminder of our upcoming schedules with Christmas. On Friday we will be dismissing at 11:30. Our first day back after Christmas will be on Tuesday, January 7. We hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas!
3 months ago, Amanda Strohschein
This is a reminder that high school semester exams will take place this Thursday, December 19th, and Friday, December 20th. On Thursday, students will take exams for periods 4, 5, 6, and 7. On Friday, exams will be held for periods 1, 2, and 3. Please note that Friday will also have an 11:30 a.m. dismissal for all students. Students who do not have exams are not required to attend school. Additionally, students may leave once they finish their exams for the day.
3 months ago, Ryan Robinson