The horticulture class spent time cleaning and caring for the hydroponic system.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Sports pictures for winter sports are scheduled for Friday, February 7. These will include basketball and cheerleading for Pee Wee, Jr High, and High School. Jr High volleyball will also be photographed along with clubs.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
How about this program!?!? For anyone with a bachelor's degree, this may be an avenue for you to obtain a teaching license! Check out the details on the flier.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Artwork by some of our talented high school students.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
The high school Booster Club is looking for help. Beth has done a wonderful job over the last couple of years, but she is looking to step down as the Booster Club President. If you have any interest in stepping into that role, we are looking for someone. Please reach out to the school or Beth Moser.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Webber Lady Trojans are warming up for tonight’s contest against Edwards County.
almost 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Warm up
With our 11:30 dismissal tomorrow, we are trying something new. We will serve a sack lunch to all K-8 students to eat in the classroom at approximately 11:10. All high school students will have the option to sign up for one to grab on their way out at 11:30. With grandparents day tomorrow, second grade will be sent home with them as well.
almost 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Bekah Marlow represents Webber as a member of this year’s Midland Trail Conference All Tournament Team. Congratulations!
about 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Congratulations to Rebekah Marlow on being selected to the MTC Tournament all tournament team.
about 5 years ago, Michelle Marlow
Rebekah and Coach Spurlock
Our buses are now equipped with an exterior camera, which will help identify any cars who pass a bus when it is stopped for students. With a recent scare, this is one of the measures the district is taking to help keep kids safe.
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
In just a few moments this classroom will be full of kids learning music for the first time in several years! Welcome aboard, Mrs. Pierce!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Lady Trojans win their first round of MTC Tournament play at Wayne City. They played a great game beating Sandoval. Lady Trojans will be in action again Wednesday night at 6:00 vs. CORL.
about 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
One of our excellent teachers, Mrs. Putt, put together an awesome video for Teresa Phelps, who retired in December. Check it our here.
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Parents: The long two weeks is almost over. We will see all of your kiddos smiling faces on Monday!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
BUSD has the following coaching opportunities available!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Season's greetings from BUSD!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
WHS was honored this morning to host a visit by alum, Randy Mills, who recently released a book about his experience playing high school basketball in the late 1960's!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Getting warmed up for game two of the Conrad Allen Holiday Tournament against Wayne City.
about 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Tech Inquiry class is competing with their balloon cars.
about 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
SICA All-South Cross Country Team Banquet. Seth Hamerski was named to the first team.
about 5 years ago, Michelle Marlow
All-South Boys XC Team
Seth and Mrs. Marlow