We are taking orders to begin food delivery tomorrow! As of now, we have orders for 168 meals a day. Breakfast for tomorrow is being sent with kids today. Beginning tomorrow, we will deliver lunch for that day and breakfast for the next!
Savanna Hulbert was the January student of the month at Webber. Savanna is active in basketball, softball, drama club, scholar bowl, ACES, book club, and Beta Club.
Emmali Petersen was the December student of the month at Webber. Emmali is active in drama club, student council, Beta Club, and on the prom committee. Outside of school she likes to bake, go to the movies, and hang out with friends.
Gavin Johnson was the Webber student of the month for November. Gavin is a junior and active in scholar bowl, ACES, and book club.
If you would like to receive meals during he shut down, please visit this link https://forms.gle/KQKxmSpgumAaotYi8 , email kphelps@blufordschools.org , or call the school at 732-8242.
BUSD Community: As all are hopefully aware, we will be shut down from March 17, through at least March 30. We are tentatively scheduled to return on March 31. Attached and through this link (https://bit.ly/2J1cnch) is a document with various pieces of information relevant to the shut down. If you have any further questions not addressed here, please contact me through email sgordon@blufordschools.org or by calling the school at 732-8242. The office will be staffed by administration during the shut down.
Plans are in the works for the district to provide breakfast and lunch to every child in the school district who wants a meal. The details will be provided soon.
Two hours ago, I posted a message that we intended to stay open. An hour ago the Governor announced that all schools are required to close.
BUSD community:
Here is the latest update on the Coronavirus situation.
If you or someone you know is need of some extra assistance, here is some information from Crosswalk.
Information on current Illinois Department of Public Health guidance.
Parent reminder:
We dismiss early at 2:10 on Wednesday and Thursday this week because we have parent/teacher conferences scheduled from 3:00 - 7:00 each night.
Wow, incredible! That's about all that can be said about this work of art. It is much more than that though, persistence, dedication, and attention to detail are necessary as well!
Zhonette Boots
Illinois State Beta
1st place overall
Solo, Duo, Trio Performance
Zhonette Boots advanced time top 5 of Small Group Performance and performed before the entire convention Thursday evening.
No pictures yet but 3 more awards Beta 2020 . . .
2nd Lucy Rains Div I Poetry
2nd Ashley Knepler Div II Ag test
3rd Mia Simmons Div II Creative Writing
More Beta 2020
3rd Ashley Knepler Div II Recyclable Art
1st Ashley Knepler Div II Sculpture
2nd Eryn Best Div I On-site Drawing
Beta Convention 2020 Day.
3rd Samantha Schrum Div I Color Photo
1st Emma Hill Div I Sculpture
2nd Zhonette Boots Div I Woodworking
It’s always a glorious start to the day when it begins with honoring the hard work and achievement of outstanding students. Being able to celebrate it with their family makes it even sweeter.
Hannah will advance to state competition with here SAE in Agricultural Services. Congratulations, Hannah!