Teachers and bus drivers trained on the disinfectant sprayers this. Anytime a group of students exits a space, it will be disinfected to keep all safe.
As we are about to begin a new school year, we have no idea what the future may hold. We have very strategic plans in place to limit they amount of contact any child will have with another. Parents, rest assured as your children would most likely be exposed to more people in a grocery than throughout the day at school. All of this is to help ensure proper social distancing. As we begin Monday, we hope our plan will allow our students to attend in person because feel that is vitally important for children. However, if at some point we are forced to shift to remote learning, we are much better prepared than last time. At the opening staff meeting, I shared a new moto with the staff for the year, #herewego. We don't know what the future holds but, #herewego. Our first day with kids in 22 weeks is upon us, #herewego. Monday! #herewego
Residents should be receiving tax bills this week. As such the district sent this flier explaining the property tax grant the district received. Residents will see the district's portion of their tax bill decrease for 2020 and 2021. Bills should return to normal in 2022.
Congratulations to Mr. Wingo, who has accepted a high school assistant principal position. Unfortunately, that means we are looking for a Dean of Students to join our team. Please see the attached posting.
Here is our full Return to Learn plan. School begins Monday, August 17, daily from 8:10 - 3:10. The video below provides some additional information.
We have received many inquiries about masks. Since a face covering will be required by all students and staff, the district will be providing two cloth masks for everyone. We will collect and launder masks daily for students in grades K-5. We also have a stock of disposable masks. If a student finds a face covering that is more comfortable for them, they may bring their own.
This goes back a while. "Bluford" High School is featured in this months Basketball Museum of Illinois magazine.
We have something special added to the meal deliveries today! Thank you Frey Farms for the donation for our families.
Sam Settle is going to be conducting a Free Hunter Safety Education course at Bluford USD on August 7 from 6-9 pm and August 8 from 8 am - 4 pm. Space is limited to 40 people, masks must be worn and social distancing will be required. Call 732-8242 to register.
Webber High School will be hosting a freshman orientation on Monday, August 10 in the high school gym. Students whose last name begins A-L should come at 5:00 pm. Those whose last name begins M-Z should come at 6:30 pm. For questions call 732-8242.
The district is selling these shipping containers. They are available first come, first served, and as is. Three 20' are available for $1,750 each. One 40' is available for $2,500. The buyer is responsible for moving them. If interested call 732-8242.
The district is selling these shipping containers. They are available first come, first served, and as is. Three 20' are available for $1,750 each. One 40' is available for $2,500. The buyer is responsible for moving them.
The 2020-2021 student handbook is ready and available to view at the link below.
As we transition back to in person student attendance in August, one way we will work to keep students safe is to properly sanitize areas where students gather between each group of students. The district has purchased electrostatic sprayers to help with the sanitation process.
Bluford USD #318 is hosting a Substitute Teacher Orientation to review policies and procedures for the 2020-21 school year. Any substitute teachers registered or willing to register in ROE 13 are invited to attend.
2020 BGS/WHS graduation videos are in and ready for pickup! Feel free to stop by or call the office (732-8242) to arrange pick up or delivery. The videos may also be viewed on YouTube by using the following links:
Grade School
High School
Registration will open Monday, July 27. Also, at the July board meeting, the BOE approved waiving the $40 district registration fee for 2020-2021! So, for this school year, there will be no school district fees and everyone still qualifies for free lunch and breakfast.
Competition results from Virtual National Beta Club Convention. We should have been in Fort Worth, TX in June, but instead students were able to compete virtually by submitting images and videos of projects and taking an online test for the academic competition. 3 of our 10 entries made the top 10 in their respective categories. Final results:
Zhonette Boots 8th Performing Arts Solo
Lucy Rains 8th Poetry Div I
Zhonette Boots 4th Woodworking Div I
Congratulations Betas and Webber!
Several Webber students were in the paper recently for receiving scholarships!
Please see the attached document for further information about our current return to learn plan. Please note that face coverings will be required by all students and staff while in the building, on buses, and when distancing cannot be maintained outdoors.