It is Senior Night for volleyball! You still have time to make it out for last regular season home game of the year.
Remember to order your Halloween Carnations by October 15! Order forms were sent home with elementary and middle school students last week.
From egg to release....125+ painted Lady butterflies completed their journey in our class to be release out side..
From mapping sea floors to mountain Science is wrapping up their mapping projects..
Earth Science finished their 3D models from topographic maps
Environmental Science taking samples at site 1
Zoology wrapped up the study of Arthropods with a little snack...
Biology is conducting chemical test on various enzymes to better understand homeostasis.
Environmental Science is conducting field research in conjunction with Southern Mississippi on water quality and debris tracking
Anatomy getting down to the marrow of understanding
Anatomy is busy studying the skeletal system....
Intro to Ag took their learning outdoors earlier this week.
Graham is Webber High School’s August Student of the Month. Graham is a freshman. He enjoys playing video games, chess, and has his own YouTube channel.
Webber over Sandoval in two! Great win tonight, girls.
Varsity wins it in three!
JV action against Johnston City
Webber Blood Drive results.
Welcome to the real world! The Ag. Construction class today began a shingling project on the concession stand. Some of them developed a new found appreciation for the profession!
SYATP 2021 organized and lead by Anna, a junior at Webber High School.
The monthly Bluford Ruritan breakfast is this Saturday. Join us to support an organization that does so much to help our schools.