Check out the fifth grade poetry presentations!

Middle School Book Reports!

More skits

Today was our Character Ed day. Our focus was on bullying. The 8th graders performed skits to show how to react to different situations.

It melts my heart when these kiddos have fun working together! ❤

4th Grade STEM Activity- making a paper tower.

Reminder: Bluford Schools will dismiss at 11:30 tomorrow, October 5. Have a great weekend!

Kindergartners are learning more everyday. Here they are progressing through some supplementary reading instruction with Reading Eggs!

The first Book Fair of the year is coming up!

Mystery Reader Jenny Hicks

ABC order strategies: use a letter line.

Sometimes we just need some sunshine!

More poets and their guests!

Our poetry share was a success!

7th grade working on posters to determine a constant of proportionality and reviewing the work of other groups.

Sixth grade getting ready for their poetry share!

Mrs. Marlow and our reading group welcomed October with a new chapter book, “Bunnicula”. 🐰

5th grade making food chain mobiles.

Kindergarten had such a wonderful time at the apple orchard. They were able to pick their own apples while learning about the different kinds of apples! Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who joined us as well!

A masterpiece by a couple of 8th graders!