Fifth grade biome projects...

Here's a little positivity for your Monday morning!

It's almost showtime!

1st, 5th, and Sophomores enjoyed pizza for earning the most pigskin points for the 1st half.

Mystery reader day!

Exploring rational numbers and looking for patterns.

Trojan Times Issue 6

Second graders are working on thank you cards for our local fire department.

3rd graders are working on animal classification

After only three days, our flowers are starting to grow in our Ecosystems!

Flashlight Friday continues

Flashlight Friday Highlights

Flashlight Friday Highlights

Ms Drenner’s small group playing math puzzle go fish.

6th grade task card activity reviewing ratios.

The Book Fair is up and running! There are many wonderful, age appropriate items for every kid. Be sure to check it out!

Week 5 of Trojan Times

Fifth grade making Ecosystems.

Welcome to Mrs. Helm’s Books & More. 4th Graders got treated to a “book tasting”. They got to sample lots of great books.

This 4th Grade crew made an awesome paper tower! What great thinking!