Here is our latest BUSD News!
The 8th graders have spent a couple of days learning about the Trail of Tears. Take a look at their one-pagers.
Our kids have been working hard this week to honor our veterans. Please join us tomorrow at 2!
Here is our latest episode of BUSD News!
Here is our latest BUSD News. We hope you enjoy it!
Mrs. Hails' kindergarten class did a pumpkin investigation today.
Good evening. This is Amanda Strohschien, Principal at Bluford Grade School. This is a reminder that parent teacher conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 25 and Thursday, October 26 from 3-7 pm. To schedule a conference please call the grade school office at 732-8242. Thank you!
Here is our second broadcast of the year! We hope you enjoy it!
Congratulations to the junior high baseball team. They won regionals! What a game to see 12-0! Way to go boys!
On Monday, the sixth grade participated in RLC's Amazing Career Race. Two of our teams took away top scores. One team earned first place while another team took home third place!
We celebrated our eighth grade softball and baseball athletes before Friday's game.
We celebrated our eighth grade softball and baseball athletes before Friday's game.
After a few delays, we finally have our first BUSD News of the new year!
We hope you enjoy!
At Saturdays cross country meet, our 8th graders were recognized before the varsity race.
On Saturday, the BGS cross country team hosted the Bluford Bash. We had runners from several area schools attend.
Kindergarten celebrated today with their teddy bear picnic.
The eighth graders have been learning about irony. Today, they are completing task cards with partners.
Sixth graders are hard at work creating their I Am projects!
All students K-12 will be coming home tonight with student handbooks. Please look over these and discuss with your child. There is a student/parent signature sheet that needs to be signed and returned to school.
Just a reminder that car dismissal is 3:10. Parents picking up students will need to turn on to Chestnut Street (by the track). Once turning, two lines will be made. The line closest to the track (right side) is the pickup line for PreK-2. PreK-2 students will be walked out to the cars by a staff member. The left line is for 3-5. You will merge into the right lane by the car pickup doors. If you have students in both lines you will drive through K-2 and then pull forward to the 3-5.