Here is the link to the eighth grade video. Thanks to all of the parents that provided these amazing pictures. A big shout out to Louie Schrum for working so hard on this project!

Pictures, practice, party, and awards today! Tomorrow is their big day!

Second grade had a great day at the zoo in Evansville!

Tomorrow is the day! HS (10:00 am) and GS (12:00 pm) graduation will be streamed live on YouTube. The live stream will begin 15 minutes before each graduation.

I am passing along information we received about discounted internet service. Since the school district participates in the Community Eligibility Provision (free breakfast/lunch for all), all of our families qualify for this discount program if you use one of the participating providers for home internet. It appears to me that the easiest way to apply is to contact your provider, however there is an online process as well. More information can be found here, https://www.lifelinesupport.org/national-verifier/

We are so proud of our boys who competed against the best in all of Southern Illinois today at the Meet of Champions! Here are a couple of shots.

As part of staff appreciation week, we celebrated our food service staff today! They are a great group, always coming up with new menu items that kids love.

Be on the look out for some cattle rustlers, bank robbers, and jewel thieves! Kg. celebrated their barnyard day today!

Similar to last year, the district is offering meals for any child ages 0-18 this summer. Meal pick up is planned to be every Wednesday at 11:00 beginning June 2. To sign up, please complete the form at the link below.

Mr. Sam is at it again. The IDNR is hosting a hunter's safety course at Bluford Schools August 6 & 7. This is not limited to just Bluford students. It is open for all to attend. Call 732-8242 to register.

We have a couple of job opportunities at BUSD!

Congratulations to our February and March students of the month!

Grade school yearbook orders are due tomorrow, 4/30/2021. You can use the order form that was sent home or order online using the code. They are $10.

Mark your calendars. Sports physicals will be conducted at the school and provided by Crossroads Hospital for $10 on Tuesday, August 24, during the school day. We will have a sign up closer to the date.

Third grade is learning about graphs. Friday, they made picture graphs to represent the survey data they collected. Nice job!

This week's schedule...
Tuesday 4/20: JH Track @ MV 9 am
HSVB @ home vs COR 6:15 pm
Wednesday 4/21: HS Track (boys) @ MV 4 pm
Thursday 4/22: JH County Scholar Bowl Tournament
Friday 4/23: HSVB @ home vs Elverado Senior Night
Saturday 4/24: HSBB/HSSB @ home vs Trico 10 am

24 years... think about all that has changed and progressed over the last 24 years. Since 1997, Don Sneed has served the Bluford community as a school board member. Last night was his last regular meeting serving as a board member. Thank you for your service!

One-pagers finale!

More one-pagers!

My 8th graders tried one-pagers for the first time. I am excited about this form of assessment!