With the weather forecast for tomorrow, we are posting the junior high field trip scheduled to go to Giant City until Thursday, June 17, at 8:00 a.m. We anticipate they will return around 4:00 p.m. that day. So, the final two trips are scheduled for Tuesday, June 15 (Vandalia/Forbes) and Thursday, June 17. (Giant City/Barnes & Noble). Please bring comfortable shoes and sun screen for each trip.
almost 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
Lots of learning going on during STEM time today!
almost 4 years ago, Teri Helm
Building a wooden “contraption"
Learning about electrical circuits
Building a catapult
Marble run circuit
4th Grade summer schoolers are enjoying putting together a puzzle in their “down” time.
almost 4 years ago, Teri Helm
Working a puzzle
Rewards !
Congratulations to our Students of the Month for May!
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Henson
First day of summer school/camp. 4th graders learn how muscles and tendons work and make a “robotic hand”.
almost 4 years ago, Teri Helm
Working hard!
4th Grade STEM activity
Trip 1 is in the books!
almost 4 years ago, Karen Putt
We had a great day in Indiana!
almost 4 years ago, Karen Putt
The last day with staff is cause for celebration for many reasons. Today we celebrated these two. Our buses run around 12,000 miles a year. Ray served 9 years as a driver. Durenda served 31. Approximately 480,000 miles have been driven by these two. More importantly is the kids they transported. As a driver, you are the first person our kids see each morning. Also, as teachers change year to year, drivers remain the same and have a lasting positive relationship with their children. It's tough to put words as to how important these people are to us. Thank you for everything. we wish you the best.
almost 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
Our tribute to Ms. Durenda was a hit! BUSD will miss our retirees, Durenda Galloway, Ray Johnson, and Marsha Sutton! https://youtu.be/WxEM07wyncM
almost 4 years ago, Karen Putt
Ms. Durenda’s family came in this morning to welcome her as she arrived from her morning route. After 31 years of safely transporting our students, she is retiring. Thank you for your dedication and service to the district, our students and community. Enjoy your retirement!
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Henson
We are finalizing numbers for our first week of summer food distribution. If you want to receive meals next week, please sign up by the end of today. Pick up will be next Wednesday from 11:00 - 12:00 in the SOUTH parking lot. Also, we just learned that we will not be receiving the Cusumano boxes at this time. https://forms.gle/YZ4mhpbz5E8AuM186
almost 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
The junior high took advantage of the home ec. room today and made some special treats!
almost 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
We are hosting the U of I Extension Junior Chefs program for kids 8-13 on July 19-23. See the attached flier for more information.
almost 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
The 4th graders went for a mask break walk and had a “mini lesson” on Memorial Day.
almost 4 years ago, Teri Helm
Checking out the names on the memorial
4th grade at Bluford Veteran’s Memorial
A student found a memorial to his grandpa
The 4th Grade played a friendly game of wiffle ball, the Sun Birds vs. the Party Pigeons. The game ended in a 10-10 tie!
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Henson
The district is offering summer learning opportunities for students in grade 6-8. See the attached flier for more information and visit the link below to sign up. https://forms.gle/MTft5n9XnnLmmSUk9
almost 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
The 4th Graders had a GREAT day @ the Jefferson Co. Historical Village and going for a hike afterwards!
almost 4 years ago, Teri Helm
The 4th Graders had a GREAT day at the Jefferson Co. Historical Village and going for a hike afterwards
Webber High School is looking for a high school math teacher. See the attachment for more details.
almost 4 years ago, Shane Gordon
K-8 students will have regular dismissal of 3:10 Monday-Wednesday. Thursday will be a 2:10 dismissal. High school students will be taking semester exams the afternoon of Wednesday 5/26 (4th, 5th, & 6th hour exams) and the morning of Thursday 5/27 (1st, 2nd, & 3rd hour exams). As always, students with A's in their classes are exempt from the final exam. If they do not have to take the exam, they do not need to report. Students that ride the bus on Thursday will have to stay until 2:10 unless alternate transportation is arranged.
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Henson
Below is the link for the 8th grade graduate photos. Parents may click the link, view images, place an order and packages will ship directly to homes. The gallery is set to expire June 18th, so orders will need to be placed prior to that date. Thanks! https://interstatenshamellinterstate.shootproof.com/gallery/Bluford8thgraduation
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Henson