Webber High School junior, Ashtyn Arnold, has been selected by faculty as the most recent student of the month. Each month, teachers and staff nominate students who they feel should be honored. Those students are then eligible for selection. Ashtyn was nominated by Webber High School science teacher, Mrs. Birkner. He shared that she told him she has seen a significant improvement in his academics and his approach to school.
Ashtyn has attended Bluford Schools since his seventh grade year when he moved to the district from Nashville. His favorite aspect of Webber High is the teachers. He says that they truly care and work very hard to prepare for their students. Ashtyn's favorite subject is science, specifically Biology. He shared that he appreciates the outlook Mrs. Birkner brings to her classes. Students are required to think through the coursework.
Ashtyn shared a piece of advice for all students. He said, students should always look to improve themselves. While students are at school, they should improve their academics and when outside of school, they should work to improve their character.
Moving forward, Ashtyn wants to attend Rend Lake College and then St. Louis University to study psychology. Ultimately, he would like to become a social worker.