JH Varsity track is getting started.
Edyn and Emerie played in the RLC All Star game. Congratulations to Edyn on getting game MVP 🏀💙
Tomorrow night is the Jefferson County All Star game at MVTHS. BGS has two 8th graders playing, Kadi Bain and Jaxon Popplewell.
Kindergarten learned about rainbows this week and went outside to see if they could create one.
Junior high students have been busy working on science and social studies projects.
Congratulations to our eighth grade volleyball players!
Congratulations to our February students of the month!
Pre-k made the news with front page coverage of their fashion show!
It is always an honor to recognize students who exhibit outstanding qualities. Had a great time celebrating Kadi Bain and Landon Cook at the Illinois Principal Association-Egyptian Region Student Recognition Breakfast.
This message is for all of you who have considered becoming a bus driver! The ROE has released dates for the initial driver training course. This is the first step in becoming a driver. If you would like more information on the process, please contact Shane Gordon at 732-8242
Here is our latest broadcast. This one features an interview with Coach Wilson on Elite Entertainment. We hope you enjoy it!
Some of our Scholar Bowl players have spent the day competing in the King and Queen of the County meet.
The Kindergarten U.S.A. show is one of the best days of the year!
Fourth grade was busy with some STEM activities this morning!
Hailei and Ava will be representing our school in the Jefferson County Spelling Bee on Tuesday. Good luck ladies!
The district is in need of scoreboard operators. At our high school game, it takes two people to operate the entire board. If you are interested, pkease contact Bob Hamerski at rhamerski@blufordschools.org.
The grade school will be having spring pictures taken Monday, February 27. Some extracurricular activities will also be photographed that day. They include: JH volleyball, JH bowling, JH scholar bowl, PW cheer, PW basketball, and 5th grade basketball. You can order online using the code provided or send an order form with money back to the school. Order forms will be coming home today or tomorrow.
First grade had an awesome super bowl party today. They learned about the game, ran some drills, and played a game!
When you have a winter without much snow, you have to improvise to have a snowball fight!
Congratulations to our January students of the month!