It was a little warm at recess today so, we needed to seek some shade!

Mrs. Sellers' 1st Grade Mammal Presentations

Mammal Presentations

Mrs. Seller's 1st Grade finished their mammal unit with their mammal presentations!

2nd graders taught about how to add 2 digit numbers.

Teddy Sleepover

Stew Crew's Kg. Teddy Sleepover

Stew Crew's Teddy Bear Sleepover

Kg. Stew Crew's Teddy Bear Sleepover

4th and 5th graders listen as a former BGS student, Elisabeth Hughes, tells about her travels to Iraq. The students were very interested and had lots of questions.

Ms Drenner’s class playing instruments to site word songs.

7th grade learned all about adjectives. Check out their work!

Ms. Drenner's class received 4 huges boxes from Kaplan, via Donors Choose. Thank you to all who donated for items in our room. We now can do more interactive math, science, and experiments.

5th grade working on their seed projects.

Bluford DC Kids visit the Pentagon Memorial last April.

These kiddos make the most of indoor recess. #rainraingoaway

Fifth grade students using a hand lens to examine various types of leaves.

Buy a soda for $1 and help the kindergarten and 4th Grade send a Veteran to Washington, DC. Sale starts September 11 and ends November 11.

Check out this week's student broadcast! Way to go, Eighth grade!

Ms Drenner’s classroom pets