Reminder: Tomorrow is grandparents day for grade K-2!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
With our 11:30 dismissal tomorrow, we are trying something new. We will serve a sack lunch to all K-8 students to eat in the classroom at approximately 11:10. All high school students will have the option to sign up for one to grab on their way out at 11:30. With grandparents day tomorrow, second grade will be sent home with them as well.
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Jr High boys’ basketball is taking on Bethel this evening. JV action starts at 6:00. Only one more opportunity to watch these boys in action at home. 8th grade night will be January 23.
about 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Warm up
Bluford Trojans are bringing home the 1st place trophy from the Spring Garden Tournament. Congratulations!
about 5 years ago, Nicole Henson
Congratulations to the December students of the month!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
6th graders were able to investigate cold and warm zones with a thermal imaging camera. They have been learning about different types of insulation and windows that can be eco-efficient!
about 5 years ago, Ben Kenniker
What a wonderfully warm student body
Hot hands
Glass doors can have cold zones
A variety of temperatures in the kitchen
Eighth grade students are participating in a New Year's escape room while practicing their active listening and team building skills.
about 5 years ago, Karen Putt
We had some surgeons in third grade, who performed a procedure on their math work. All of the doctors successfully stitched together the number progression!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Our buses are now equipped with an exterior camera, which will help identify any cars who pass a bus when it is stopped for students. With a recent scare, this is one of the measures the district is taking to help keep kids safe.
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
I wish we had a before photo, but these doors used to be covered in an ugly carpet. The maintenance staff did a great job bringing them back to life in the grade school gym!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
In just a few moments this classroom will be full of kids learning music for the first time in several years! Welcome aboard, Mrs. Pierce!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
BGS is excited to announce that Friday, January 17, will be grandparent's/special person's day for grades K-2! See the flier for times and more information.
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
One of our excellent teachers, Mrs. Putt, put together an awesome video for Teresa Phelps, who retired in December. Check it our here.
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Parents: The long two weeks is almost over. We will see all of your kiddos smiling faces on Monday!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
BUSD has the following coaching opportunities available!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Season's greetings from BUSD!
about 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Cedarhurst visited us today, and 4th Graders made Navajo pottery out of clay.
over 5 years ago, Teri Helm
This is fun!
Working hard!
Getting the design just right.
Will it be a Christmas gift?
Thank you Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce for inviting the BGS bell choir to perform at the December monthly luncheon!
over 5 years ago, Shane Gordon
Cedarhurst craft class today.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Sherwin
Bluford Grade School is looking for a part-time classroom aide. The hours would be approximately from 7:45 - 12:45 each day.
over 5 years ago, Shane Gordon