More presentations!

Seventh graders are busy this morning showing their Famous Figures of the Revolution.

Congratulations to our BGS students of the month for February!

Information on current Illinois Department of Public Health guidance.

Fourth Graders are learning about theme in a story!

More herpetology presentation photos.

Wayne City Herpetology Club came to BGS today. They shared their reptiles and insects with grades K-4 and gave a more in depth presentation to grades 5-8.

Parent reminder:
We dismiss early at 2:10 on Wednesday and Thursday this week because we have parent/teacher conferences scheduled from 3:00 - 7:00 each night.

Jefferson County All Star games for jr. high are tonight at MVTHS!

It was dress as your favorite Suess character day!

It’s always a glorious start to the day when it begins with honoring the hard work and achievement of outstanding students. Being able to celebrate it with their family makes it even sweeter.

It was soooooo much fun to visit Ms. Flexter's first grade class this week to read The Cat in the Hat!

The kitchen is getting into Dr. Suess week! The truffula trees are blooming!

More reading!

More reading!

Today, the big kids read to the PreK!

Thank you again Audio Visionz for coming out and giving these students a wonderful opportunity to learn first hand about sound!

2nd graders checked out the tractors today.

JV defeated Wayne City in three. Varsity is getting warmed up for the next match.

We have been studying sound in 8th grade science. Using a Ruben’s tube we were able to see the difference in tones, frequency, and standing sound waves. It was a great learning experience!!