Congratulations to the August and September BGS Students of the Month!

The administration was treated today for "Bosses Day!" The food was fantastic and the surprise was even better!

Cross Country

We sent our cross country team off in style today! This is an amazing and dedicated group with two wonderful coaches to guide them on their journey! We are all so very proud of you guys!!

This is National School Lunch week. These ladies go far above and beyond to meet the needs of every student. Thank you for everything you do for our kids!

The internet is out at the school at this time, which effects our phone lines. If you try to call the school you will get a busy signal. Please email jlusby@blufordschools.org to report any absences until we are able to get the issue resolved later today.

Jr High’s modern version of the Mona Lisa.

Here is our latest BUSD Broadcast!

Let's support our Jr. High Cross Country Team and coaches by wearing our Trojan spirit wear or dressing in blue/yellow!

Let's show the RGS community we care!

My 7th grade students are enjoying our special seating this week!!

A crew is back working on Bluford Road. An alternative route into town is suggested.

We added a grab and go breakfast option along with the cafeteria meal for the junior high last week. With a presentation like this, who wouldn't grab something!?!?

The eighth grade ag. class is making progress on their birdhouses.

"The Pit" received some trim this week to dress it up a bit!

The seventh grade science project is moving right along!

How about this learning environment! The pictures don't do it just because you miss the pumpkin spice smell that hits you when you walk in the room.

Saturday is going to be a great day in Bluford! The Ruritan Club is hosting their monthly breakfast from 7:00 - 9:00 and this is the month they split half of all the proceeds to Bluford Schools. Also, we are hosting our first cross country meet in over a decade. The race starts at 9:00, so come have breakfast and then cheer on the xc runners!

Our kg. students worked through the @IMSEOG three part drill this morning!

Here is our 2nd BUSD News!