Second grade was working hard this morning on their journal writing about their baby chicks!

Second frade was working hard this morning on their journal writing about their baby chicks!

4th Grade Springfield Trip 2022

Fourth grade made a special trip to Springfield today. They visited the Lincoln Museum, Lincoln's home, and Lincoln's tomb. Additionally, they were greeted by Senator Terri Bryant at the Capitol building!

We are excited to announce our Kindergarten - Fifth grade summer program for 2022. Please visit the link below to sign up your child(ren). We will soon be releasing information for grades 6-8 and 9-12.

Here is what is going on this week.
Mon 4/4: HS Track @ Marion Invite (Girls only) 3 pm
HSSB & HSBB vs. Waltonville
Tues 4/5: Horticulture CDE @ MVTHS
HS Track @ DuQuoin (Boys only) 4 pm
Wed 4/6: JH Track @ MVTHS 9 am
HSSB & HSBB @ Crab Orchard 4:30 pm
Thurs 4/7: JH Track @ Sesser 11:00 (bus leaves 9:30)
HS Track @ Centralia (Girls only) 4 pm
HSSB & HSBB @ vs Elverado 4:30 pm
Sat 4/9: HSSB @ Waltonville Invite 10 am

Junior high will have the last of the athletic/extra-curricular activities photographed on Monday, April 4. Photographed will be: PeeWee basketball & cheer; Scholar Bowl; Bowling; Volleyball; Track. Participants were given a flyer with an online code today. You may also return the form with payment in an envelope. Visit inter-state.com/order and use code 68368CA

Congratulations to our March students of the month!

It's Greek mythology season in the junior high!

It was easy to follow your nose to this culinary perfection. Fried rice (with bacon) for all!

More from Safety Day Camp - the students learned about electrical line safety, ATV safety, power tool safety, and much, much more!

The 4th grade had a very FUN day @ Adam’s Farm, learning about safety! The event was put on by the MTVHS FFA.

Congrats to the third grade peewee team for winning the county peewee tourney today!

Congratulations to Seth Hamerski and Aiden Reed for participating in the indoor state track meet. Seth placed 6th in the 800 and Aiden placed 17th in the 400.

Kindergarten center time sure is fun! Love seeing their imagination and minds growing.

The 5th graders created some amazing models of the Solar System!

The Jefferson County Spelling Bee is underway. Wishing the best to Jayda and Ava, our BGS top spellers!

Spring has sprung! One of our talented paraprofessionals, Shana Lusby, created this to greet our first graders today!

This Saturday is the monthoy Ruritan Club breakfast!

We are short a bus driver on Wednesday and Thursday this week. As such, the green route will be combined onto the blue route and white route. Students on Legion, Dove, Blue Jay, Hamilton, and 15 East of DG will ride the blue route. Students on Paul, 15 West of DG, and Seagull will ride the white route.