Any boy interested in playing HS Baseball for the Fall Webber/Wayne City coop, should plan on being at tryouts Monday Aug. 8, and Tue. Aug. 9 from 1-3 at Wayne City field. More information can be obtained by contacting Coach Chad Kluck 618-316-1760 or AD Bob Hamerski at school.
Webber HS Volleyball parents and players are encouraged to attend a Parents Meeting Night Monday Aug. 8 in the HS gym, 5:30. Coach Wilkey will be presenting team information and I will be there as well to answer any questions.
The district is hosting an open house/supply drop off event Friday, August 12, from 4:30 - 5:30!
Due to predicted weather conditions for the morning, there will NOT be Cross Country tomorrow August 4th.
Attention all high school parents- There will be a booster meeting to discuss the upcoming year for anyone interested in becoming involved.
Just a reminder: Online registration is open for returning grade and high school students through Teacherease. You must have a Teacherease account set up to complete the registration process. If using a phone to complete, please use a web browser on your phone. New student registration will be this Thursday, August 4th from 9-3 in the grade school office.
For anyone having trouble registering on the mobile app , I received this message from TeacherEase. "Currently, online registration is only available through Apple devices. We are going to be adding Android support in the future, but for now, Android users will have to use a desktop computer to complete registration."
Attention High School Cross Country Parents(9-12): The schedule sent out previously for high school was wrong. The attached schedule below is the real schedule. Sorry for the confusion. If you have any questions please let me know.
Attention Grade School cross country parents(4-8): There will be no practice tomorrow July 27th.
Webber athletes making headlines!
In the news!
Attention 4-8th grade Cross Country Parents! There will not be cross country tomorrow due to weather concerns. High school 9-12 is still on. Please pass along the message.
See the attachment for numerous coaching opportunities at Bluford Schools!
Reminder that online registration through TeacherEase opened today for students returning to Bluford GS and Webber HS.
Webber Nation, looks like we have a new team(s) to root for. We will have Boys HS Bowling beginning Mon. Oct. 24, 2022 and Girls HS Bowling which will begin Mon. Nov. 14, 2022. More information will be given as it is known.
Webber HS Volleyball tryouts will be Aug. 1-2, 2022, 5:30 to 7:30 in the JH gym.
All players wanting to be considered for the team should plan to be in attendance or notify Coach Wilkey if you can not make those.
More information can be obtained from Coach Wilkey at 618-214-5239 or Athletic Director Bob Hamerski at 618-732-8242-ext 215.
Just a reminder to al 2022-23 Webber HS and Bluford-Farrington JH athletes, a physical must be on file before you will be allowed to compete in school sports. If you have not had one please get it asap and turn in. Sort Physicals for those who will not have an appointment soon can get one at the school Aug. 24.
Reminder Cross Country Parents, there is NO running tomorrow, Monday July 25th. Running will resume on Tuesday, July 26th @ 7:30 am. Please pass the word!
Grade school softball tryouts will be Monday and Tuesday (July 25 & 26) from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. This is open to all 5th through 8th grade girls.
Progress continues at the greenhouse. The steps are taking shape!