Join us this Saturday to kick off Trojan basketball.

Solar vision

We were excited to receive our new school buses today!

Calling all area veterans: The Bluford Unit School District will have a Veterans Day Program on Friday, November 9, at 1:30 in the gymnasium. All veterans are invited to a reception prior to the assembly beginning at 12:30 in the old gymnasium. Please help spread the word!


Seth Hamerski had quite the send off from school today. He and his coaches arrived in Peoria earlier, where he walked the course and ran a couple miles. They are expecting a crowd of about 20,000 spectators for the event tomorrow. Good luck, Seth!!

Here is the latest video walkthrough for the new high school! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l00yz6i7AE

Check out this news story about the new Illinois Report Card. https://www.blufordschools.org/article/71369?org=bluford-unit-school-district-318

Halloween is such a fun day for the kiddos!

How cool is this? Eighth grade students wrote Halloween stories and shared them with lower elementary students to teach about theme!

It's a good day to pour some concrete!

Just a reminder that staff will be attending the Mt. Vernon Conference tomorrow, so there is no school for students on Friday, October 26.

Every other year, school districts are required to complete a school climate survey. Staff, students, and parents all have the opportunity to provide feedback on a wide array of topics. Please visit the link below to complete the parent survey.

BUSD Board of Education member, Steve Tate, was part of a group who presented to businesses and governmental agencies on detecting internal fraud. Thank you to the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce for hosting the event!

The new basketball hoops are a hit!

Do you see eggs in an unknown fluid or do you see biochemistry?

Chemistry, earth science...it is all

Chemistry class setting up for acid
reaction rates

To stay up to date on the progress of the new high school, you can always check out the page on the website.

The gym windows have arrived!