Practicing phonics on dry erase packets.
A few of second grades science activities from this week.
The Jr. High girls basketball game against Thompsonville tomorrow night 10/24, will be a varsity game only starting 6:00pm.
Fifth grade played a “Math Action” multiplication game to culminate their study of Unit 1 in math.
Civics, History and Tech classes on a fields trip to New Harmony Indiana with Mr Gilley and Mrs. Birkner
Scholar Bowl Season is now underway! 4 wins in 4 matches!
It has begun!! Come get some BBQ and dessert before the game. Don't forget to get your raffle ticket for a 50 inch TV!!!
Ramona Girtman from 4H came to teach fifth grade a lesson on pointillism.
Reminder: We will have the drawing for the chair seats for boys and girls basketball during P/T conferences on Thursday at 5:00 p.m. To have first pick, please be present for the drawing. If you cannot attend, we will call after the drawing to ask your preference. If you want to be added to the list, please call 732-6121.
First grade is bringing a character to life from a book of their choice!
Hey kiddos, let's make it a great one today! #bekindalways
Our ecosystems were a success!
Junior Achievement of Jefferson County got off to a great start today with our junior high! Thanks to Shawna and Hollie from SSM, John from Crossroads, and Deanne from District 80 for joining us!
Using multibeam sonar for Bathymetric mapping
Learning from the real thing rather than a diagram....Health
We have a short week with PT conferences on Thursday and MV conference on Friday, so let's make it a great one!
State cross country meet at Centralia this morning.
The Bluford Ruritan Club is hosting a Halloween costume contest at the breakfast on October 26. Come for breakfast and a goodie bag. Costume judging will be at 8:30.
Bluford kiddos in the news!
Health class learned from Nurse Mary today about how to take blood pressure, listen to their hearts, pulse, and oxygen daturation