Mrs. Snow’s fifth grade students are checking to see how much their bean seeds have grown.
HS CC at Salem......Seth finishes 15:49, Josh finishes 19:49...more PR!
If you received a letter alerting you to the need of Meningococcal Immunization, you can schedule one here at the school on Friday, October 9 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm.
To schedule the immunization:
1. Call Nurse Mary at 732-8242.
2. Have your child pick up an Informed Consent form or Nurse Mary can email it to you.
3. If your child is UNDER 18, a custodial parent must be present.
4. The only insurance we have been advised that does not cover the immunization is Meridian.
HS Boys Base Ball Big win over Cisne in extra inning.
The best is yet to come....
Junior high science is mapping all of the bodies of water! What an incredible use of scale.
Kids' Quest is back! Students attending the after school program at the church MUST have a parent note stating he/she has permission to go. See the flyer for more information or call Gina at 618-231-7114.
In the News ..... WHS and BGS Baseball
Due to our opponent having an issue with Covid virus Tuesday's boys high school baseball game has been postponed. A make up date will be released as soon as possible.
Girls Junior High Softball for today has been canceled,
Although the Class of 2020 was unable to have their scheduled Prom, students voted to select senior prom attendants. Through the voting process, the 2020 Webber King & Queen were selected from the top votes. Here is a video link revealing the 2020 candidates, as well as the King & Queen. Congratulations!
The IDPH updated guidance for schools last Friday. This is good news as it allows our professional school nurse to determine exposure risk for students exhibiting any symptom. With this series of questions, students may not need to have a COVID test or be excluded for 10 days with the display of symptoms. The revised school plan can be found at the link below.
Paving has begun on Bluford Road. An alternative route into town is suggested.
A special thank you to R & J Arctic Oasis for setting up and serving our PK-12 students snow cones all day! The resilience our students have shown over the last 4 weeks was worth a small token of appreciation. BUSD students are rocking this new learning environment! #herewego
Genius at work....
Engineering Challenge: design and build a box from scratch to hold a fragile object...
Third grade was practicing some math facts to get the day started!
Bluford USD is very appreciative of the water bottles and sanitizing wipes that the United Way donated. Thank you!
HSCC @ Salem 9/10/20. Alexis 20:55, 2nd. Seth 16:05..2ND.....Josh 20:29. ..Great day for achieving PR
Please remember to follow IDPH guidelines when in attendance at any extracurricular activities. If you are unable to maintain a distance of 6 feet from those not in your household when you are outside, please wear a face mask. This reminder comes now because we were notified of a spectator from another school who has tested positive for Covid-19. It is in the best interest of our student athletes, for all spectators to follow these guidelines so that it does not jeopardize our ability to continue playing. As always, if you are not feeling well or develop symptoms, please stay home and away from others.