Bluford Ruritan Club Breakfast is this Saturday, October 26th.
10/28-11/1. Dress Up/Spirit days
Grade School will have different dress up/ spirit days
Please make sure you check and follow the correct post. Grade School has a post with dates listed also.
Next week is Red Ribbon Week! Attached are dress up/spirit days for the GRADE SCHOOL ONLY. High School will be doing different spirit days.
Congratulations to our 4th-8th Grade Students who received high honors and honors for the 1st Quarter.
**We are currently having issues with the high school honors report so at this time, they are not available.
Reminder that Wednesday and Thursday are 2:10PM dismissals
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held from 3-7PM. Please contact the office to make an appointment.
No school Friday
This is a reminder that Wednesday and Thursday of this week, October 23 and 24, school will be dismissed at 2:10 PM. Parent teacher conferences will be held from 3 PM to 7 PM on those days. Also, there is no school for students this Friday, October 25.
Our phone system is currently down. If you need to contact the school, please email:
Ashley Raney
Donna Wilkey
Kim McCormick
Lost and Found rack is getting full. As ballgames start up, check to see if anything is your child's.
Nurse Mary's Pet Contest.
Student love looking at their own and their friends pets. The contest will run until the end of next week. You may send pictures to school with your student or email me at The contest is open to all Webber and Bluford Grade school students.
Ruritan Breakfast. Last one before January
Happy Principal Appreciation Week to Mrs. Strohschein and Dr. Robinson! We appreciate all you do for Bluford Schools!
After three weeks, our plants are going home.
Webber Lady Trojans 3rd place MTC Tourney! So proud of these ladies tonight! Great Job!!💙💛🏐🏐
Here are some upcoming dates for BUSD #318
I have recently received notification regarding a dentist in Effingham that is accepting Medicaid. If you are having difficulty finding a dentist that accepts Medicaide for your child/children, email me and I will give you the contact information.
Tomorrow is the JH State Meet day!!!
There will be a send off @ 8am tomorrow for our junior high state runners! Show up and show your support!
Good luck!!!
Nurse Mary's Pet Contest.
Student can send a picture of their pet or stuffed toy, it is posted outside my door, and on October 31 four winners will be given a prize. Categories: Smallest, Largest, Youngest, and Oldest. Students can bring a picture or email it to me at mweaver@blufordschools. The kids love see each others pets and talking about them. Here are some of the entries.
Mark your calendars!
Next Thursday, Oct. 24, Taco Jo's Food Truck will be in the Bluford Schools parking lot for Parent Teacher Conferences!
Menu is attached. All meals are $10, lemonades are $6, and sodas are $2.
They will be here from 3-7pm
We are working with Rend Lake College on a grant opportunity "Talent Search" that could provide after school tutoring, career counseling, college entrance assistant and much more!
We need your help! Parents, community members, students, staff, and all stakeholders are encouraged to complete this survey!
Survey results are anonymous!
Here is the link to the Talent Search target school survey:
On October 10, students Nathaniel Marlow, Audrey Frey, and Isaac Holloway attended State Senator Terri Bryant’s Youth Advisory Council at Rend Lake College. They had the valuable opportunity to hear from various speakers and actively participate in the process of drafting a bill proposal.