The Bluford Board of Education held its regular August meeting on Thursday, August 18. In personnel actions, the Board accepted the resignation of Superintendent Shane Gordon effective June 30, 2023. Dr. Gordon has accepted a superintendent position with the Macon Meridian CUSD #15 effective July 1, 2023. The Board will begin the superintendent search process immediately. Additionally, in personnel there was an approval for numerous club sponsors. Lastly, Hannah Pierce was hired as the high school girls track coach, Melanie Spangler was hired as the high school scholastic bowl coach, Stephanie Wilson was hired as the junior high girls basketball coach, and Bob Hamerski was hired as the junior high bowling coach.
In other action, the Board approved a motion for the public display of the fiscal year 2023 budget and set the date for the annual budget hearing for September 22, 2022. A bid from Luke Rollie Concrete was approved for the concrete work at the track facility concession building. Also, the Board approved the establishment of a high school bowling team and a high school debate team. The final action item of the evening was the semi-annual approval of closed session minutes. This process ensures that all topics of discussion during closed sessions qualify for such privilege.
The next regular school board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 22, at 6:00 p.m. in the Board office.