report card

November 1, 2023

Dear Bluford USD #318 Community,

The Illinois State Board of Education has released the annual Illinois Report Card for Bluford Unit Schools https://www.illinoisreportcard... . The Report Card contains district and school performance data from the 2022-23 school year.

I am proud to announce both Bluford Grade School and Webber High School received a Commendable school report card rating. 

Schools are more than test scores. They are a home away from home for our students and staff. Our schools focus not only on academic success but also on mental health and social-emotional growth. We strive to forge strong bonds with families and community and to prepare our students to thrive in the next step in their educational journey. 

On our 2023 Report Card, we are proud to see:

  • Growth in ELA scores

  • Below state average class sizes

  • 98% of freshman on track

These are just a few highlights from our overall report card. These results reflect the investments we have made in programs and staff. Our teachers, administrators, and staff, in partnership with you, are continuing to focus on rigorous curriculum, student engagement, and student opportunities.

One component of the Report Card is the annual summative designation – a federally required accountability category. It identifies schools for support and describes how well our school is meeting the needs of all students based on eight indicators of performance.

Our summative designation of Commendable means we have overall performance not in the top 10 percent of all schools, but have no underperforming student groups at or below the “all students” group of the lowest-performing 5 percent of schools, and our high school must have a graduation rate higher than 67 percent - currently at 87%.

Our Report Card is an opportunity we welcome to celebrate our strengths and reflect on our goals, so that every student can reach their fullest potential. We at Bluford USD #318 believe every single student can meet high expectations and that you are a critical partner in your child’s education. When we all work together on behalf of our students, we can achieve more. Therefore, we encourage your feedback and suggestions. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 618-732-8242. Go Trojans!

Yours for Better Schools,

Adam J. Cross
