The Bluford Board of Education held its regular April meeting on Thursday, April 20, 2023.
Information from administration was shared with the Board that included:
The building for concessions and restrooms at the track has been completed.
All state testing for the district has been completed.
Pepsi awarded a check for $6,000 to Ms. Baine for finishing first place in the caps contest.
High school scheduling is currently underway.
The last day for seniors will be May 12.
The Board acted on the following personnel items. Destiny Holtz (2nd), Sadie Lowe (1st), and Savanna Peterson (4th) were hired as elementary teachers for next school year. Kayla Wright will switch from fourth grade to third grade. Additionally, the follow coaches for 23-24 winter sports were hired: Travis Marlow- Junior High Boys Basketball Head Coach, Josh Andrews- Junior High Boys Basketball Assistant Coach, Shannon Hefner- Junior High Boys Basketball Volunteer Assistant Coach, Bob Hamerski- Junior High Bowling Coach, Donna Wilkey- Junior High Volleyball Head Coach, Sebrina Krumweide- Junior High Volleyball Assistant Coach, Chad Shreeves- High School Bowling Coach, Jaxon Helm- High School Boys Basketball Head Coach, Savannah Creighton- High School Cheer Coach, and Jackson Pierce- High School Girls Basketball Head Coach.
In other action items, the Board approved a summer project to sand, repaint, and refinish the junior high gym floor. The Board approved the creation of a grade school assistant track coach position. An additional investment for four 12 month CD’s with the Illinois School District Liquid Asset Fund was approved. The Board approved Eggemeyer & Associates as the new district architect. Lastly, the Board approved a cooperative with Wayne City for high school cross country.
There is a special meeting to organize the new school board with the results of the recent election on Thursday, April 27, at 6:00 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Thursday, May18, at 6:00 p.m. in the district office.